The Men’s Ministry is challenging the Men of Heartland to put your best face forward. During the month of November let us unite to recognize the health issues that men encounter. So, we are growing a “MO” for MO-vember; in other words, growing a moustache in the month of November as our symbol for better men’s health. Please sign up in the foyer after Church by the Men’s Ministry Banner. Further information please click HERE.
Attention Ladies.
The Men’s Ministry has kicked off their November campaign by connecting with Movember Canada to raise awareness of men’s health issues.
We have a good start of men signing up to register for this campaign, but we want more men to be aware of health issues unique to men. It is not just growing a moustache.
Here’s where we need your help ladies.
The Men’s Ministry is doing one better by creating a Men’s Health Quiz so all men can participate so men don’t have to shave or grow but they still can if desired. The men can search for the answers on the Movember Canada Website and deposit their answers in the ballot box to win prizes.
So, Ladies, place your hand on the hand of your husband, father, brother, or cousin and tell them to register.
And ladies! After service, if you bring your male relation to the Men’s Ministry Table to have them register and donate at least $5 to the cause and take a quiz sheet, then you will be eligible to win one of the ladies’ prizes. Just sign your name on the special entry form and deposit it in the ballot box.
All entry forms must be deposited in the ballot box no later than 30 minutes after Sunday service on November 26 to be eligible.
See you at the Men’s Ministry Table.